Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen has called on the population to be immunized against the coronavirus: “I ask you, take up the offer of vaccination,” he appeals in a video posted on Facebook and YouTube last night.
“It’s a little sting and it’ll go away.” By getting vaccinated, he said, you not only protect yourself, but everyone you come into contact with.
“It’s still summer. A beautiful summer,” the Austrian president said in the video, which shows scenes of his encounters in recent weeks. People meet friends and relatives, “maybe even grandma and grandpa,” and do sports. “Real summer feeling.” But fall and winter are sure to come, Van der Bellen said, “and then what happens?”
“Take advantage of the vaccination offer. Be part of the solution.” the president said.
Vaccination protects, and even if you do get infected, the disease runs “less badly,” the head of state says. “So please take advantage of the vaccination offer. Be part of the solution.” In this way, “the virus will already be put in its place,” Van der Bellen said. “Together, we will get it right.”
red, ORF.at/ picture: screenshot, facebook.com/video/youtube.com
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